Lewis County Business Week

December 16th through 19th, 2024

Business Week provides students with a practical understanding of business fundamentals, ranging from financial literacy to marketing and entrepreneurial skills. The Business Week program instills a strong business foundation in students, nurturing their potential as future business leaders and entrepreneurs. Kiddin’ Around works with multiple school districts in Lewis County, including Centralia and Chehalis, to bring Business Week to Juniors in High school for free. We partner with Centralia College to bring the students to the college campus so that they get a glimpse of college life for a week.

Each year we talk to students who had no intention of attending college, but change their mind, and the course of their futures, due to Lewis County Business Week. Each year we are blown away by the students who work hard in teams with people they have never met to create something new and exciting. Successful businesses are part of what makes a community thrive.

We invite you to be part of this truly special week by sponsoring a Business Week team. For $1500, you can give a team of 15-20 students the experience of a lifetime. Be part of changing people’s lives today.

Make it stand out.

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Change a Life. Sponsor a Lewis County Business Week team today.